
Courtesy of: Ag Retailers Association The Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) advocates, influences, educates and provides services to support its members in their quest to maintain a profitable business environment, adapt to a changing world and preserve their freedom to operate. The stimulus package passed by Congress contained a number of agriculture provisions to aid farmers and farm suppliers amid the COVID-19 crisis. Find key portions of the bill below to know what kind of help is available to you under the bill from USDA Rural Development, Small Business Administration, and other agencies. U.S....

The employee can carry this letter with them to provide to law enforcement if asked about violating the County Public Health Order. The letter states that the company is an essential business, and that the employee performs essential activities for the company. For this reason, the employee may travel and work in the county during the emergency order. DOWNLOAD LETTER...

Ethanol is a great biocide, disinfecting agent and there is a process of facility evaluation and product evaluation, as well as registrations, that are necessary in order to utilize ethanol for these non-fuel applications. There are two major regulations that must be adhered to in support of manufacturing ethanol for hand sanitizer applications: Alcohol Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau and Food and Drug Administration requirements. These two regulations are equally important and limit the formulas for use by novel hand sanitizer manufacturers to the World Health Organization, Guide to Local Production: WHO- recommended...

FMCSA has issued a waiver in response to COVID-19 outbreaks as several states are experiencing employee absences or have closed offices.  As a result, many drivers are unable to renew their CDLs or are unable to provide medical certificates.  In addition, many medical providers nationwide have canceled appointments to dedicate resources to the COVID-19 response.  As a result, drivers are unable to obtain physicals to comply with the regulations. Among the provisions, this waiver extends the expiration of CDLs due for renewal on or after March 1, 2020 until June 30,...

Beginning Friday, March 20, 2020, at least 14 Kansas counties have issued emergency “stay at home” orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of these local orders defines, and exempts, “essential businesses.” Earlier this week, Governor Laura Kelly issued Executive Order #20-15. This Executive Order establishes a “Kansas Essential Functions Framework (KEFF)” to identify a state-wide list of “essential businesses.” The KEFF is based on national critical function guidelines established for pandemic and other disaster response efforts. The Governor’s Order identifies agribusiness, grain storage, and biofuel production as essential functions and...

Renew Kansas members - Throughout this unprecedented time in our country, we have been working non-stop to ensure COVID-19 executive orders from Topeka do not impede on your ability to do business and provide fuel for the world. In coordination with the 15 major agriculture-related organizations, known as the Kansas Agricultural Alliance, your association spearheaded the effort to send the letter below to Governor Laura Kelly and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Beam this morning. We implored the governor to designate the agriculture commodity community as an essential service if she decided to...

Please find below a press release from the Kansas Department of Agriculture stressing the importance of Agri-Business and the vital role it plays in the supply chain. Renew Kansas has been in close communication with our state regulators since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and have received insurances that robust bio energy operations are vital to keep the country moving. Please continue to contact your association with concerns and questions regarding this issue. Sincerely, Ronald C. Seeber Renew Kansas Biofuels Association 785.234.0461 | With Tuesday’s announcement by Governor Laura Kelly that state agencies...

On Thursday evening, the Legislature wrapped up regular session business, adjourning nearly a full week before its regularly scheduled adjournment date as concerns of COVID-19 exposure continue to grow. This shortened session prevented final legislative action on many bills. However, the adjournment resolution is scheduled to bring the legislature back on Monday, April 27, and allow one final week of possible action on bills -- all of which is dependent on the broader COVID-19 pandemic. Legislature Passes Budget for fiscal years ’20 and ’21 On Thursday, March 19, following multiple rounds of...

With daily news of COVID-19 marching across the country, and concerns of a shortened Kansas legislative session, the pace of legislative activity quickened this week. Committees in the House and Senate each passed out bills on the base budget and on the state’s next transportation plan. Though gone for the weekend, legislators will consider these measures when they return on Monday. Next week will bring more quick work during the final days of activity for non-exempt committees this session. Here are some of the highlights from this week: Committees Advance Budget Bills On...

Week 8 for the Kansas legislature was a short one with only two days of committee work on Wednesday and Thursday following the break for Turnaround (the mandatory movement of bills from non-exempt committees from their house of origin to the opposite chamber). Exempt bills include all those that have passed through certain committees, including House or Senate Taxation, House Appropriations/Senate Ways and Means, and House and Senate Federal and State Affairs. Next week’s calendar promises to be very busy again with committees having their say on bills passed by the...