
Renew Kansas Biofuels Association joined a coalition letter in support of S.5145, the Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act of 2022, introduced last week in the United States Senate. Renew Kansas appreciates senators Roger Marshall and Jerry Moran serving as co-sponsors on the legislation. Organizations wishing to join the letter are able to do so until close of business Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2022 by contacting Renew Kansas President and CEO Ron Seeber ( or Renewable Fuels Association's Robert White ( The letter urges congress to swiftly pass the legislation comprising the ability for...

With a potential rail strike still on the horizon, Kansas Grain and Feed Association signed a letter coordinated by GoRail to request congress take action averting a nationwide shutdown. On Nov. 9, two rail labor unions extended their "status quo" period to Dec. 4, pushing the potential for a strike back to Dec. 9 at the earliest. To date, seven labor unions have ratified agreements based on the recommendations of the Presidential Emergency Board appointed by President Biden, while three other ratification votes are pending....

Previously a co-signer of broad coalition letters, as agreements have continued to stall and the November 19 deadline for a rail strike/lockout quickly approaches, Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association joined a letter consisting of national and state agribusiness organizations requesting action from congress. "On behalf of our collective food and agricultural memberships, we write to urge swift action to avert a rail strike or lockout that would lead to shutdowns or slowdowns of rail-dependent facilities resulting in devastating consequences to our national and global food security," the letter said. The letter recommends congress...

Renew Kansas Biofuels Association has joined more than 100 state and national level organizations in signing a letter urging President Joe Biden's administration to continue working with the railroads and union officials to ensure an agreed-upon mid-September rail labor contract is ratified. To date, six of the 12 unions have ratified the agreement, however, there are concerns a strike could still take place which would have devastating consequences on the economy. Many major news organizations have published reports detailing the potential strike in November. Links to stories are below. Railroads reject sick...

Following hours of negotiation into the early morning, a tentative agreement has been made between railroads and rail union representatives preventing a nationwide rail shutdown ahead of Friday's 12:01 a.m., deadline. "We are pleased to learn the railroad and its labor unions were able to reach a tentative agreement as we quickly approach fall harvest throughout the state," Renew Kansas Biofuels Association President and CEO Ron Seeber said. "We appreciate all of our members who did a tremendous job explaining the intricacies of the relationship between rail service and biofuel processing...

Renew Kansas Biofuels Association joined more than 100 other organizations in signing and sending a letter on Sept. 15 to congressional leaders requesting action be taken to avoid a rail strike. A copy of the letter is available to view to the right. Although Renew Kansas and other groups prefer a resolution be reached by the negotiating parties, if an agreement can't be made, the letter addressed to United States Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-California) and House...

As you are aware, railroads and rail labor have until 12:01 a.m., on Sept. 16 to reach an agreement preventing a lockout or strike after the Presidential Emergency Board published a proposed settlement on Aug. 17. Renew Kansas Biofuels Association is working with its national affiliate organizations as well as the Kansas Congressional Delegation to find solutions to the impending rail labor strike. As this deadline approaches, there is no agreement yet in place. Class I railroads announced recently they would begin curtailing shipments of hazardous materials in anticipation of a possible...

Following the inability of comprehensive water legislation to pass the Kansas House of Representatives during the 2022 legislative session, a special joint committee featuring members of the Kansas House and Senate held informational hearings on the status of water issues this week. The previously proposed legislation would have added new water use fees on Kansas irrigators and made sweeping changes to the state’s groundwater management districts. The legislation, as introduced, was broadly opposed by agriculture. The committee, chaired by Senator Dan Kerschen (R-Garden Plain), received presentations from multiple state boards and agencies...

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), Division of Environment, Bureau of Air, has published proposed amendments to its air quality regulations K.A.R. 28-19-517 regarding Class I operating permits, annual emissions inventory, and fees; K.A.R. 28-19-546 regarding Class II operating permits, annual emission inventory, and fees; and K.A.R. 28-19-564 regarding Class II operating permits, permits-by-rule, and sources with actual emissions less than 50 percent of major source thresholds. Public Hearing - The agency will conduct a public hearing at 10:00 a.m. Thursday, November 3, 2022, in Room 530, Curtis State...