07 May Kansas Legislative Update – Interim Report III
On May 6, the Legislative Coordinating Council voted to reconvene the Kansas Legislature on Thursday, May 21st at a time to be determined. May 21st was the pre-scheduled date for sine die adjournment – the final day of the 2020 legislative session. While the full legislature will not meet until May 21st, House and Senate leadership may yet approve meetings by certain committees (budget, tax, etc.) for consideration of bills.
A motion by Senate leadership to return a few days before the 21st to conduct additional business fell by a vote of 2-4 over general health concerns for the members of the legislature.
There was limited discussion on whether the legislature should hold an interim session this summer to review the state’s Emergency Powers laws following the Governor’s multiple Executive Orders during the pandemic. That may still happen, but is not too likely during an election year.
Additional discussion focused on possible funding to the state from the federal CARES act (possibly up to $1.25 billion), which the Governor may have full control over during the interim without some legislative action.
We will watch for notice of any committee meetings, and will continue monitoring any legislative activity between now and sine die.