19 Nov Governor Laura Kelly issues second statewide mask mandate
Governor Laura Kelly has announced several new plans to combat the spike in COVID-19 cases, among them a statewide face-covering protocol. This order allows counties one week to create their own version of a mask ordinance or they will automatically come under the governor’s face mask requirements. However, they can still opt out of the order under state law.
“As COVID-19 continues to spread through Kansas communities and hospitalizations increase at concerning rates, it is clear we must take action to protect our communities and our economy,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Today’s actions are a bipartisan package of recommendations from legislators, health professionals, and business leaders to increase participation in commonsense COVID-19 prevention practices.”
E.O. #20-68 takes effect beginning 12:01 a.m. Wednesday, November 25, and will remain in place until rescinded or until the current statewide State of Disaster Emergency expires – whichever is earlier.
“My administration recognizes that each Kansas county is faced with unique challenges – and a one-size-fits-all approach can be difficult for some communities to navigate,” Governor Kelly said. “The order allows local officials one week to craft and implement their own version of a face covering ordinance that works for them and their communities.”
Under the order, Kansans shall wear face coverings when inside public spaces, or in situations where physical distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained. Guidance regarding specific locations or situations in which face coverings should be worn is outlined within the order.
Kansans under five years of age, those with medical conditions, and others outlined in the order are exempt from face covering protocol.