09 Jun Renew Kansas joins coalition supporting Next Generation Fuels Act
Renew Kansas Biofuels Association has joined a coalition of renewable fuel supporters in supporting the Next Generation Fuels Act which places an emphasis on transitioning light duty vehicles to use low carbon, high octane fuels to cut costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality and increase fuel efficiency.
The legislation being introduced in Congress would require retailers and automakers to incorporate devices into fueling equipment and vehicles that ensure vehicle compatibility with the new fuels and prevent misfuelling. It would also require all new refueling infrastructure to be compatible with higher ethanol blends effective January 1, 2026.
With support from Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, Kansas Corn Growers Association, National Corn Growers Association and other like-minded organizations, the bill removes outdated barriers preventing low carbon, high octane blends from entering the market by ensuring all ethanol blends receive the same Reid Vapor Pressure treatment as 10 percent blends, like E15.
View a full summary of the legislation HERE.