15 Jul Governor Laura Kelly issues Executive Order No. 20-57
This week, Governor Laura Kelly signed Executive order No. 20-57, extending conditional and temporary relief from certain motor carrier rules and regulations. The rule is set to expire at 11:59 p.m. on August 14, 2020 or until the statewide State of Disaster Emergency extended by House Bill 2016 expires, whichever is earlier.
- In accordance with the FMCSA’s declaration under Title 49 C.F.R. § 390.23(a)(l)(i), Title 49 C.F.R §§ 390-399 are hereby suspended for motor carriers and persons operating commercial vehicles actively participating in COVID-19 relief or restoration efforts, except that 49 C.F.R. §§ 392.2, 392.3, 392.80, and 392.82 remain in effect.
- Motor carriers and persons operating commercial vehicles actively participating in COVID-19 relief and restoration efforts may haul up to 10% more than their licensed weight on Kansas highways, not to exceed 90,000 pounds.
- All other applicable state and federal regulations shall continue to apply, including but not limited to: Title 49 C.F.R. Part 382, Controlled Substances and Alcohol Use and Testing; the Kansas Motor Vehicle Driver’s License Act, K.S.A. 8-234 et. seq., and Title 49 C.F.R. Part 383 Commercial Driver’s License Standards as adopted by the Kansas Uniform Commercial Drivers’ License Act, K.S.A. 8-2,125 et. seq., the federal Minimum Levels of Financial Responsibility (insurance requirements) Title 49 C.F.R. Part 387 as adopted by K.A.R. 82-4-3n and state insurance requirements as provided in K.A.R. 82-4-23; and, adherence to the regulations governing the Transportation of Hazardous Materials as provided Title 49 C.F.R. 397 and adopted by K.A.R. 82-4-3k and Parts: 107, 171-173, 177, 178 and 180 as adopted by K.A.R.82-4-20.
- The licensing, certification, and permitting rules and regulations as required by the Kansas Corporation Commission are temporarily suspended for motor carriers and persons operating commercial vehicles actively participating in COVID-19 relief or restoration efforts.
- The registration and fuel tax permits as enforced by the Kansas Department of Revenue are temporarily suspended for motor carriers and persons operating commercial vehicles actively participating in COVID-19 relief or restoration efforts.
- Motor carriers and persons operating commercial vehicles actively participating in COVID-19 relief or restoration efforts must still obtain the requisite over-dimension/overweight permits as required by the Kansas Department of Transportation prior to operating; however, the fees associated with these permits are temporarily waived.
- Except as specifically stated in this order, all other state motor carrier laws or regulations remain in full force and effect.
- This order supersedes any contrary order by any local health department regarding motor caniers and should be read in conjunction with previous executive orders responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Any contrary provision in previous executive orders is superseded by this order.
This document shall be filed with the Secretary of State as Executive Order No. 20-57. It shall become effective immediately and remain in force until rescinded, until 11 :59 p.m. on August 14, 2020, or until the statewide State of Disaster Emergency extended by House Bill 2016 enacted during the June 2020 special session relating to COVID-19 expires, whichever is earlier.