24 Jan Renew Kansas submits comments on proposed RFS
Renew Kansas Biofuels Association filed comments to the United States Environmental Protection Agency regarding the agency’s proposed Renewable Fuel Standard program covering years 2020-2022.
Overall, the association supports many of the provisions of the proposed rule with a few suggested modifications with the intent to achieve the underlying intent of the RFS program to reduce GHG emissions, bolster national energy security, and support rural economies through the increased production and use of renewable biofuels.
In summary, Renew Kansas asked EPA to work with industry to meet the goals set by Congress and ensure continued national access to homegrown biofuels. We urge the EPA to use its regulatory authority in a manner that promotes a growing U.S. renewable fuels industry.
Specifically, the association and its allies urged EPA to consider the following in its final rule:
1. Finalize the proposed 2022 volumes and restore the 500-million-gallon remand.
2. Eliminate the proposed revision to the 2020 RVO and require obligated parties to comply with the 2020
standards finalized in 2019.
3. Revise 2021 volumes to reflect a more accurate accounting of actual renewable fuel use.
4. Make official the denial of all pending SRE petitions and ensure future petitions are held to the same
standards set forth in the holdings of the 10th Circuit Court decision in RFA v. EPA.
5. Quickly propose 2023 RFS volumes, which were due November 30, 2021.
View Renew Kansas’ full submission below.