16 Apr Renew Kansas submits comments to EPA on E15 labeling
Photo courtesy: Growth Energy
Renew Kansas Biofuels Association submitted comments to United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) supporting changes in proposed regulations to either remove or amend the current labeling requirement on E15.
The association also conveyed its support for EPA’s proposed changes to the compatibility requirements for UST systems for E15 and higher blend biofuels.
The comment explained how the current label requirements for E15 are overly-aggressive, and unnecessarily deter consumers away from purchasing a beneficial and low-cost fuel.
If the EPA label requirement is retained, Renew Kansas supports modifying the current label requirements as follows:
- Removal of the “Attention” stripe along the upper right corner of the label.
- Removing the phrase “E15” from the label while including the phrase “Contains up to 15% ethanol.”
- Revising the language “Use only in” to “Safe for use in.”
- Revising the format of the word “prohibited” such that it is not bold or italicized type.
- Streamline the bottom statement by simple stating: “Avoid use in motorcycles, boats or gasoline powered equipment as required by federal law.”
- Utilize a color different from orange and black, perhaps a straightforward black and white color scheme as required by numerous other warning labels.
Renew Kansas also respectfully requested EPA continue to support policies encouraging the use of higher blend biofuels, such as E15, and to increase consumers’ access to those fuels.